If like many people you are coming out of a year in style hibination and feel like your wardrobe doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, then please contact me for an appointment that with my help we can increase your confidence, make you feel more like yourself again and essentially change your life. Read on for some tips on how to change the ‘meh’ to a ‘yay’.
Now that we are home so much more than before and with a change of season in the air, you might have some time on your hands to tackle the unruly wardrobe that’s been nagging you for weeks. Whether it’s overflowing or just needs a quick re-organisation, now is a great time to do a spring clean and be stylish ready for any occasion that doesn’t involve wearing activewear or joggers.
Within every wardrobe there are cautionary shopping tales and lessons to be learned. A wardrobe detox can be cathartic but also overwhelming as we often have to confront these past mistakes, realise them to be able to move forward and shop in a better way. Know this though, with every wardrobe detox I do with a client that always say that it feels like a weight has lifted off their shoulders and when you end up with an organised wardrobe, you will also learn how to shop smarter in the future. Win win I say!
So, imagine a wardrobe where everything gets regularly worn, one where you can create the perfect outfit for the day ahead in a single glance. Nothing in there is redundant, no forgotten pairs of trousers are to be found crumpled in a heap at the back. No garment makes you feel “meh”. If your current wardrobe falls short of this sartorial utopia, then the time has come for a serious clothes clear out and re-evaluation of your style.
Letting go of clothes is not always as easy as it sounds. Some things have sentimental value and others feel like pound notes dangling from hangers. But don’t put it off for another week, now is the perfect time for a full refresh as the positive mental change in you can often be life changing. Saying goodbye to anything that doesn’t reflect your personal style and clothes that do nothing for your confidence provides you with a better way of thinking.
Appraise every piece you own individually.
Ask yourself those hard questions you have been avoiding and listen to your inner voice. Does it make you feel good? Are there better things than this for you? When did you last wear it?
Try everything on.
It’s important to know what looks good and what doesn’t look good and try to work out why. Is it the shape? Is it the colour? There is no point in keeping ‘good’ black trousers because you spent a fortune on them 5 years ago if they no longer fit your body shape.
Be kind.
It’s so important to be kind to yourself during this process. We can easily spiral into a negative space where we focus on how much money you’ve spent, or how your body isn’t the same as it was pre 2 kids. It’s not you who is at fault if something no longer feels right, it’s just the wrong piece for you.
Focus on you.
Being honest with yourself about you and your lifestyle whether it be work, family, friends, hobbies, means that you can focus on what you need in your wardrobe better. That really nice suit you brought 7 years ago for a job interview you will never be worn again so why clutter up your space with it. If you own a dog and need dog walking clothes then use what you have that you don’t mind getting dirty, or worn and is comfy but put these away in a draw.
Analyse the results.
Once you put everything back in your wardrobe that fits you, that you love and that you wear then analyse what your wardrobe now looks like. Do you buy alot of the same thing? What are you missing to make up outfits? What do you have enough of? What gems have you found and can’t wait to wear again?