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There is no shame in having a bit of clutter in your life. We all lead busy lives with kids, work and life admin which is why it can be difficult to organise our time to organise our things. But with so much time spent at home right now, it’s a good time to get organised, declutter and create spaces that help create a sense of tranquility and happiness.

“Discard anything that does not spark joy”

Became a life saying a few years ago from Marie Kondo, whilst I do not practice the same decluttering techniques, alot of what she says about happiness coming from the items we own and the way they make us feel I’m in agreement with. At this time of year when the seasons are changing it is easy to continue buying in the same patterns we always do, buying things that don’t suit us, buying things that we already have, buying things that we never even wear. By starting with what you have in your wardrobe now it will set you up to spend your money better on things you need, that suit you and that make you feel good about yourself.


My wardrobe detox

As ever I did my own wardrobe detox this weekend when the weather finally turned colder. I packed away all my Summer clothes into air tight bags and popped them away in storage. I was then able to see what I had in my wardrobe and assess it for the coming Autumn and Winter months. Here is what I did -

  1. I set aside the time to detox my wardrobe without any interruptions from kids, errands or having to stop half way through leaving the bedroom in a massive mess.

  2. I was armed with my storage bags, bin liners, a note pad and my long mirror to try things on.

  3. I started by pulling out all my favourite Summer pieces and putting them away, I also identified if there was anything that I hadn’t worn and anything that might need either repairing or throwing away. I made an honest assessment about what I wore, what I loved wearing and what were the reasons for me not wearing some pieces.

  4. I sorted the Summer clothes into 3 piles; Keep, toss (charity, ebay or bin), & a maybe pile.

  5. Once I had all of the Summer items out of the way I worked through the rest of my wardrobe and pieces I had packed away that were for the colder months.

  6. I did the same technique and asked myself questions whilst also trying some items on. Does it still fit me? Does this reflect my style? Do I love it? Has it had it’s day?

  7. After a mammoth try on session I added some pieces to my piles of charity, toss and Ebay. I kept out the things I really loved and can see myself wearing in the coming weeks. I left some pieces still packed away like really heavy knits so to save space in my wardrobe for what I want to wear right now.

  8. As I was going along I made some notes of things that I had to throw out cos they had holes in or looked over worn but I wanted to replace and these pieces I added to my A/W wishlist which I will share with you very soon.

  9. I cleaned my wardrobe and drawers and put everything back in neatly so I can see what I have when I get dressed everyday.

  10. I now have to deal with my piles; a couple of buttons to repair on a blazer and boilersuit and a small pile of pieces to put on ebay, plus a bag for the charity shop.

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How I felt afterwards is still with me now, I feel a weight has lifted off my shoulders, I know what I need for Autumn to plug the gaps and my wardrobe looks inviting once again as it is free from clutter.

Reviewing your wardrobe is the first step in finding your style. Great style comes when you discover the colours and pieces that make you feel fantastic. This is what I want to help you create. If you need professional help with your wardrobe then contact me now for your home visit consultation and let’s bring the joy back to your life.


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